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Document type: Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso
Access type: Acesso Aberto
Title: Desperdício de alimentos, impactos na sociedade e alternativas: uma revisão
Alternate title (s): Food waste, impacts on society and alternatives: a review
Author: Magalhães, Raquel Maria de
First Advisor: Silva, Neiton Carlos da
First member of the Committee: Sentanin, Michelle Andriati
Second member of the Committee: Zotarelli, Marta Fernanda
Summary: O desperdício de alimentos no âmbito mundial é uma situação cada vez mais crescente e preocupante. De acordo com a Organização das Nações Unidas para Alimentação e a Agricultura, 17% da produção total de alimentos do mundo são desperdiçados, o que representa cerca de 931 milhões de toneladas por ano. Esta é uma quantidade elevada, que gera muitos impactos, entre eles econômicos, ambientais e sociais. Além disso, é importante se destacar que o número de pessoas em situação de insegurança alimentar é extremamente alto e a população mundial no ano de 2050 é estimada em 29% maior que a atual, necessitando de uma elevada quantidade de alimentos. Dessa forma, o objetivo deste trabalho é apresentar um levantamento bibliográfico focado no tema desperdício de alimentos, com ênfase nos impactos e alternativas para o mesmo, a fim de servir como base para a realização de futuras pesquisas sobre o tema. As pesquisas foram realizadas em plataformas de busca on-line, como Repositório UFU, Schoolar Google, Periódicos CAPES, Science Direct, Scielo, Scopus, dentre outros. A revisão mostrou um alto número de trabalhos e iniciativas, em que foi possível constatar os impactos e algumas das variadas causas responsáveis pelo desperdício em toda a cadeia alimentar, que variam de acordo com as condições específicas de cada etapa. Dessa forma, para combater esse problema, várias iniciativas estão sendo realizadas, das quais pode-se citar a doação de alimentos excedentes, estratégias de venda para produtos esteticamente imperfeitos e próximos ao vencimento, campanhas de conscientização e aproveitamento integral dos alimentos. A partir dessas iniciativas observa-se que houve progresso na redução das perdas, mas a prática da doação de alimentos deve ser ainda mais estimulada e o uso de tecnologias mais explorado, interligando os consumidores com supermercados e fornecedores. Portanto, a partir do presente trabalho, pode-se concluir que o estabelecimento de metas de redução é extremamente importante para combater o desperdício de alimentos e insegurança alimentar. No entanto, apesar da grande quantidade de estudos e iniciativas encontradas na literatura, pesquisas futuras devem ajudar a expandir os dados e diminuir o impacto socioeconômico e ambiental.
Abstract: Global food waste level is a continuously growing and problematic situation. According to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, 17% of the world's total food production is wasted, representing about 931 million tonnes annually. It is a great quantity, generating several economic, environmental, and social impacts. Moreover, it is important to point out that the number of people in a food insecurity situation is extreme and the world’s population in the year 2050 is estimated to be 29% greater than the current one, requiring a massive amount of food. Therefore, this work aims to present a bibliographic survey focused on the food waste theme, with an emphasis on impacts and alternatives for it, to serve as a basis for future research on the theme. The research was accomplished on online search platforms, including UFU Repository, Scholar Google, CAPES Periodicals, Science Direct, Scielo, Scopus, among others. The review indicated a large number of initiatives and works in which it was possible to verify the impacts and a few of the various responsible causes for waste throughout the food chain, which vary according to the specific conditions of each stage. Consequently, to combat this problem, several initiatives are being executed, among which it was mentioned the donation of surplus food, sales strategies for aesthetically imperfect products that are close to the expiration date, public awareness campaigns, and a full use of food. From these initiatives, it is observed that there has been progressing in reducing losses. Still, the practice of food donation should be more stimulated and the use of technologies more explored, connecting consumers with supermarkets and food suppliers. As a result, from the present work, it can be concluded that the conventional way of reducing goals is fundamental to struggling with food waste and food insecurity. However, despite the many studies and initiatives found in the literature, future research should help increase databases and decrease the socioeconomic and environmental impact.
Global food waste level is a continuously growing and problematic situation. According to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, 17% of the world's total food production is wasted, representing about 931 million tonnes annually. It is a great quantity, generating several economic, environmental, and social impacts. Moreover, it is important to point out that the number of people in a food insecurity situation is extreme and the world’s population in the year 2050 is estimated to be 29% greater than the current one, requiring a massive amount of food. Therefore, this work aims to present a bibliographic survey focused on the food waste theme, with an emphasis on impacts and alternatives for it, to serve as a basis for future research on the theme. The research was accomplished on online search platforms, including UFU Repository, Scholar Google, CAPES Periodicals, Science Direct, Scielo, Scopus, among others. The review indicated a large number of initiatives and works in which it was possible to verify the impacts and a few of the various responsible causes for waste throughout the food chain, which vary according to the specific conditions of each stage. Consequently, to combat this problem, several initiatives are being executed, among which it was mentioned the donation of surplus food, sales strategies for aesthetically imperfect products that are close to the expiration date, public awareness campaigns, and a full use of food. From these initiatives, it is observed that there has been progressing in reducing losses. Still, the practice of food donation should be more stimulated and the use of technologies more explored, connecting consumers with supermarkets and food suppliers. As a result, from the present work, it can be concluded that the conventional way of reducing goals is fundamental to struggling with food waste and food insecurity. However, despite the many studies and initiatives found in the literature, future research should help increase databases and decrease the socioeconomic and environmental impact.
Keywords: Desperdício de alimentos
Food waste
Causas de desperdício
Causes of waste
Impactos causados pelo desperdício
Impacts caused by waste
Iniciativas para reduzir o desperdício
Initiatives to reduce waste
Language: por
Country: Brasil
Publisher: Universidade Federal de Uberlândia
Quote: MAGALHÃES, Raquel Maria de. Desperdício de alimentos, impactos na sociedade e alternativas: uma revisão. 2022. 71 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação em Engenharia de Alimentos) – Universidade Federal de Uberlândia, Patos de Minas, 2022.
Date of defense: 27-Oct-2022
Appears in Collections:TCC - Engenharia de Alimentos (Patos de Minas)

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