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Tipo de documento: Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso
Tipo de acceso: Acesso Aberto
Fecha de embargo: 2022-12-22
Título: Modelling a coupling routine between tools used in aircraft design
Autor: Caixeta, Matheus Araujo
Primer orientador: Martins, Roberto de Souza
Primer coorientador: Joksimović, Aleksandar
Primer miembro de la banca: Guimarães, Thiago Augusto Machado
Segundo miembro de la banca: Morais, Tobias Souza
Resumen: Recent changes in the aircraft design procedure have made the development of the propulsion system increasingly detailed already in the conceptual phases of the project. Moreover, the use of simulation software in this process has increased considerably in recent years, due to technological advances in processing capacity, optimization algorithms and artificial intelligence. Therefore, a coupling between aircraft design software, PROOSIS and Pacelab APD, was intended to improve the simulations made during these initial phases. Thus, considering the requirements of a commercial transport aircraft, an engine was modelled, dimensioned, and analysed in order to obtain its performance characteristics for different flight phases. The data obtained was then incorporated into the design of the chosen aircraft, using a data import tool. Then, the impacts of this incorporation in the calculation of the aircraft's mission were analysed in order to identify not only the gains achieved, but also the possible failures of the chosen procedure. With the developed manual coupling routine, the designed aircraft had an increase of 7.5% in its range, due to the better representativeness of the data obtained for fuel consumption in cruise condition. In addition, other coupling possibilities, improvements on the coupling achieved and its capacity of generalization were also discussed.
Palabras clave: PROOSIS
Pacelab APD
Aircraft design
Engine design
Engine performance simulation
Idioma: eng
País: Brasil
Editora: Universidade Federal de Uberlândia
Cita: CAIXETA, Matheus Araujo. Modelling a coupling routine between tools used in aircraft design. 2020. 65 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação em Engenharia Aeronáutica) - Universidade Federal de Uberlândia, Uberlândia, 2021.
URI: https://repositorio.ufu.br/handle/123456789/31133
Fecha de defensa: 22-dic-2020
Aparece en las colecciones:TCC - Engenharia Aeronáutica

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