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Tipo do documento: Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso
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Título: Educação financeira no orçamento doméstico: uma revisão bibliográfica sobre os principais aspectos que impactam as famílias brasileiras a partir da produção acadêmica na Região do Triângulo Mineiro
Título(s) alternativo(s): Financial education in the domestic budget: a bibliographic review on the main aspects that impact Brazilian families based on academic production in the Triângulo Mineiro Region
Autor(es): Rocha, Pedro Henrique Silva
Primeiro orientador: Fodra, Marcelo
Primeiro membro da banca: Penedo, Antonio Sergio Torres
Segundo membro da banca: Pereira, Vinícius Silva
Resumo: Lidar com as financias pessoais é um desafio para todos os brasileiros, atualmente cerca de 70 milhões de brasileiros estão inadimplentes em algum sistema de crédito, com isso se faz necessário tentar entender como o brasileiro vem lidando com a questão orçamentária principalmente no âmbito familiar. Portanto o objetivo deste trabalho foi elaborar uma revisão da literatura sobre a educação financeira no orçamento familiar brasileiro, apontando as principais contribuições e discussões tratadas sobre o tema, na literatura em questão. Adotouse uma abordagem de pesquisa qualitativa, do tipo exploratória e descritiva, sendo a primeira para levantamento bibliográfico num contexto de exploração e a segunda para análise da produção acadêmica sobre o tema e suas contribuições. O trabalho não se limitou a discutir somente os aspectos de trabalhos de uma mesma temática, mas expandiu sua análise para as interações que podem existir entre trabalhos que abordam óticas distintas, sobre a educação financeira no orçamento doméstico. Apurou-se que a educação financeira é essencial para promover uma gestão adequada das finanças pessoais, prevenir o endividamento e garantir a estabilidade financeira. É importante que governos, empresas e instituições financeiras invistam em programas de educação financeira e conscientização para ajudar as pessoas a tomar decisões financeiras mais conscientes e informadas.
Abstract: The objective of this work was to elaborate a review of the literature on financial education in the Brazilian family budget, pointing out the main contributions and discussions dealt with on the subject, in the literature in question. A qualitative research approach was adopted, of the exploratory and descriptive type, the first being for a bibliographic survey in an exploration context and the second for analyzing the academic production on the subject and its contributions. The work was not limited to discussing only the aspects of works on the same theme, but expanded its analysis to the interactions that may exist between works that address different perspectives, on financial education in the household budget. It was found that financial education is essential to promote proper management of personal finances, prevent debt and ensure financial stability. It is important that governments, companies and financial institutions invest in financial education and awareness programs to help people make more aware and informed financial decisions. Keywords: Financial education; Family budget;
The objective of this work was to elaborate a review of the literature on financial education in the Brazilian family budget, pointing out the main contributions and discussions dealt with on the subject, in the literature in question. A qualitative research approach was adopted, of the exploratory and descriptive type, the first being for a bibliographic survey in an exploration context and the second for analyzing the academic production on the subject and its contributions. The work was not limited to discussing only the aspects of works on the same theme, but expanded its analysis to the interactions that may exist between works that address different perspectives, on financial education in the household budget. It was found that financial education is essential to promote proper management of personal finances, prevent debt and ensure financial stability. It is important that governments, companies and financial institutions invest in financial education and awareness programs to help people make more aware and informed financial decisions. Keywords: Financial education; Family budget;
The objective of this work was to elaborate a review of the literature on financial education in the Brazilian family budget, pointing out the main contributions and discussions dealt with on the subject, in the literature in question. A qualitative research approach was adopted, of the exploratory and descriptive type, the first being for a bibliographic survey in an exploration context and the second for analyzing the academic production on the subject and its contributions. The work was not limited to discussing only the aspects of works on the same theme, but expanded its analysis to the interactions that may exist between works that address different perspectives, on financial education in the household budget. It was found that financial education is essential to promote proper management of personal finances, prevent debt and ensure financial stability. It is important that governments, companies and financial institutions invest in financial education and awareness programs to help people make more aware and informed financial decisions. Keywords: Financial education; Family budget;
The objective of this work was to elaborate a review of the literature on financial education in the Brazilian family budget, pointing out the main contributions and discussions dealt with on the subject, in the literature in question. A qualitative research approach was adopted, of the exploratory and descriptive type, the first being for a bibliographic survey in an exploration context and the second for analyzing the academic production on the subject and its contributions. The work was not limited to discussing only the aspects of works on the same theme, but expanded its analysis to the interactions that may exist between works that address different perspectives, on financial education in the household budget. It was found that financial education is essential to promote proper management of personal finances, prevent debt and ensure financial stability. It is important that governments, companies and financial institutions invest in financial education and awareness programs to help people make more aware and informed financial decisions. Keywords: Financial education; Family budget;
Palavras-chave: Educação financeira
Orçamento familiar
Financial education
Family budget
Idioma: por
País: Brasil
Editora: Universidade Federal de Uberlândia
Referência: ROCHA, Pedro Henrique Silva. Educação financeira no orçamento doméstico: uma revisão bibliográfica sobre os principais aspectos que impactam as famílias brasileiras a partir da produção acadêmica na Região do Triângulo Mineiro. 2022. 20 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação em Estatística) – Universidade Federal de Uberlândia, Uberlândia, 2023.
Data de defesa: 13-Jun-2023
Aparece nas coleções:TCC - Administração

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