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ORCID:  http://orcid.org/0000-0002-7748-3026
Tipo de documento: Tese
Tipo de acceso: Acesso Aberto
Título: Docência emancipatória no processo ensino-aprendizagem de cálculo diferencial e integral na Universidade Federal de Uberlândia (Brasil) e no Instituto Tecnológico de Costa Rica
Título (s) alternativo (s): Emancipatory education in the teaching-learning process of differential and integral calculus at the Federal University of Uberlândia (Brazil) and at the Costa Rica Institute of Technology
Autor: Casasola, María Fernanda Mora
Primer orientador: Melo, Geovana Ferreira
Primer miembro de la banca: Campos, Vanessa Therezinha Bueno
Segundo miembro de la banca: Silva Junior, Astrogildo Fernandes
Tercer miembro de la banca: Dauanny, Érika Barroso
Cuarto miembro de la banca: Sánchez, Susana Isabel Jiménez
Resumen: Esta tese, realizada no âmbito da Linha de Saberes e Práticas Educativas, teve como objetivo principal analisar as concepções de práticas pedagógicas consideradas emancipatórias no ensino de Cálculo Diferencial e Integral, em contextos específicos (na área das Engenharias da Universidade Federal de Uberlândia (UFU) e no Instituto Tecnológico de Costa Rica (ITCR). Os questionamentos que orientaram a investigação foram: quais as concepções de práticas pedagógicas no ensino de Cálculo Diferencial e Integral nos cursos de Engenharias da Universidade Federal de Uberlândia (UFU) e no Instituto Tecnológico de Costa Rica (ITCR)podem ser consideradas emancipatórias?Quem são os docentes, o que sabem e como organizam as práticas pedagógicas consideradas emancipatórias, nas duas realidades pesquisadas? Quais são as fontes dos saberes desses docentes? Quais são as trajetórias formativas e profissionais desses professores? E, como suas identidades profissionais são construídas? Trata-se de um estudo de abordagem qualitativa, do tipo exploratório. Os dados foram obtidos por meio de questionários respondidos por coordenadores e professores dos cursos de matemática, além de entrevista com os docentes. Por meio da análise de conteúdo das informações obtidas e baseadas no amplo referencial teórico acessado, identificamos mudanças nas práticas pedagógicas dos professores, associadas às formas de planejar as aulas, aos modos de relacionar-se com os estudantes, à importância dada a suas necessidades formativas e à relevância que atribuem às condições concretas em que se desenvolve o processo de ensino-aprendizagem. Também constatamos a importância do estabelecimento de uma rede de interações, na qual se propicie a construção do conhecimento pedagógico compartilhado que permita “nutrir” a prática. Os resultados da pesquisa apontam para a necessária ruptura com a forma conservadora de ensinar e aprender, o que requer a reconfiguração dos saberes que fundamentam a prática docente e o abandono das estratificações dualistas que têm sido propostas para a compreensão dos diversos fenômenos estudados. A docência emancipatória implica realizar processos reflexivos que contribuam para o reconhecimento identitário com a profissão docente, no sentido de se reconhecerem como profissionais que têm compromissos com o desenvolvimento humano de seus estudantes. Por fim, para que as práticas se constituam num sentido transformador, precisam estar orientadas por referenciais teóricos que fundamentem o ensino como um processo de mediação docente, em que o profissional mediante sua experiência, seja de criar condições para que os discentes se apropriem dos conceitos e aprendam a pensar matematicamente. A tese defendida está expressa na seguinte asserção: a docência emancipatória no ensino de cálculo está alicerçada em princípios fundantes da prática pedagógica, quais sejam: a reflexão crítica, diálogo, autonomia docente-discente e no trabalho colaborativo. Reafirmamos a responsabilidade das universidades de elaborar e executar projetos institucionais, apoiados por políticas institucionais que promovam a formação permanente de professores universitários, fortalecendo seus saberes, a identidade profissional docente e o desenvolvimento profissional docente.
Abstract: This thesis, carried out under the Line of Knowledge and Educational Practices, aimed to analyze the conceptions of pedagogical practices considered emancipatory in the teaching of Differential and Integral Calculus in specific contexts (in the area of Engineering at the Federal University of Uberlândia (UFU) and at the Costa Rica Institute of Technology (ITCR)). The questions that guided the investigation were: what are the conceptions of pedagogical practices in the teaching of Differential and Integral Calculus in the Engineering courses of the Federal University of Uberlândia (UFU) and the Technological Institute of Costa Rica (ITCR) that can be considered emancipatory? Who are the teachers, what do they know and how do they organize the pedagogical practices considered emancipatory in the two researched realities? What are the sources of knowledge of these teachers? What are the formative and professional careers of these teachers? And how are their professional identities built? This is a study with a qualitative approach of the exploratory type. The data was obtained through questionnaires answered by coordinators and teachers of mathematics courses, and by interviewing teachers. Through the content analysis of the information obtained and based on the broad theoretical framework accessed, we identified changes in teachers' pedagogical practices associated with the ways of planning classes, the ways of relating to students, the importance given to their training needs and the relevance they attribute to the specific conditions in which the teaching-learning process takes place. We also found the importance of establishing a network of interactions in which the construction of shared pedagogical knowledge allows "to nourish" the practice. The results of the research point to the necessary break with the conservative way of teaching and learning, which requires the reconfiguration of the knowledge that underlies the teaching practice and the abandonment of the dualistic stratifications that have been proposed for the understanding of the various phenomena studied. The emancipatory teaching implies carrying out reflective processes that contribute to the recognition of identity with the teaching profession, in the sense of recognizing themselves as professionals who have commitments to the human development of their students. Finally, in order for the practices to be constituted in a transformative sense, they need to be guided by theoretical references that base teaching as a process of teacher mediation in which the professional, through his experience, has the ability to create conditions for students to appropriate concepts and learn to think mathematically. The thesis defended is expressed in the following assertion: emancipatory education in the teaching of calculus is based on founding principles of pedagogical practice which are: critical reflection, dialogue, teacher-student autonomy and collaborative work. We reaffirm the responsibility of universities to elaborate and execute institutional projects supported by institutional policies that promote the permanent training of university teachers, strengthening their knowledge, their teaching professional identity and their teacher professional development.
Notas: This thesis, carried out under the Line of Knowledge and Educational Practices, aimed to analyze the conceptions of pedagogical practices considered emancipatory in the teaching of Differential and Integral Calculus in specific contexts (in the area of Engineering at the Federal University of Uberlândia (UFU) and at the Costa Rica Institute of Technology (ITCR)). The questions that guided the investigation were: what are the conceptions of pedagogical practices in the teaching of Differential and Integral Calculus in the Engineering courses of the Federal University of Uberlândia (UFU) and the Technological Institute of Costa Rica (ITCR) that can be considered emancipatory? Who are the teachers, what do they know and how do they organize the pedagogical practices considered emancipatory in the two researched realities? What are the sources of knowledge of these teachers? What are the formative and professional careers of these teachers? And how are their professional identities built? This is a study with a qualitative approach of the exploratory type. The data was obtained through questionnaires answered by coordinators and teachers of mathematics courses, and by interviewing teachers. Through the content analysis of the information obtained and based on the broad theoretical framework accessed, we identified changes in teachers' pedagogical practices associated with the ways of planning classes, the ways of relating to students, the importance given to their training needs and the relevance they attribute to the specific conditions in which the teaching-learning process takes place. We also found the importance of establishing a network of interactions in which the construction of shared pedagogical knowledge allows "to nourish" the practice. The results of the research point to the necessary break with the conservative way of teaching and learning, which requires the reconfiguration of the knowledge that underlies the teaching practice and the abandonment of the dualistic stratifications that have been proposed for the understanding of the various phenomena studied. The emancipatory teaching implies carrying out reflective processes that contribute to the recognition of identity with the teaching profession, in the sense of recognizing themselves as professionals who have commitments to the human development of their students. Finally, in order for the practices to be constituted in a transformative sense, they need to be guided by theoretical references that base teaching as a process of teacher mediation in which the professional, through his experience, has the ability to create conditions for students to appropriate concepts and learn to think mathematically. The thesis defended is expressed in the following assertion: emancipatory education in the teaching of calculus is based on founding principles of pedagogical practice which are: critical reflection, dialogue, teacher-student autonomy and collaborative work. We reaffirm the responsibility of universities to elaborate and execute institutional projects supported by institutional policies that promote the permanent training of university teachers, strengthening their knowledge, their teaching professional identity and their teacher professional development.
Palabras clave: Práticas Docentes Emancipatórias
Docência Emancipatória
Educação Superior
Ensino de Cálculo Diferencial e Integral
Emancipatory Teaching Practices
Emancipatory Education
Higher Education
Teaching of Differential and Integral Calculus
Prácticas Docentes Emancipadoras
Docencia Emancipadora
Educación Superior
Enseñanza de Cálculo Diferencial e Integral
Tema: Educação
Educação superior - Uberlândia (MG)
Universidade Federal de Uberlândia
Instituto de Tecnologia Educacional - Costa Rica
Idioma: por
País: Brasil
Editora: Universidade Federal de Uberlândia
Programa: Programa de Pós-graduação em Educação
Cita: CASASOLA, María Fernanda Mora. Docência emancipatória no processo ensino-aprendizagem de cálculo diferencial e integral na Universidade Federal de Uberlândia (Brasil) e no Instituto Tecnológico de Costa Rica. 2023. 300 f. Tese (Doutorado em Educação ) - Universidade Federal de Uberlândia, Uberlândia, 2023. DOI http://doi.org/10.14393/ufu.te.2023.100.
Identificador del documento: http://doi.org/10.14393/ufu.te.2023.100
URI: https://repositorio.ufu.br/handle/123456789/37512
Fecha de defensa: 1-feb-2023
Aparece en las colecciones:TESE - Educação

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