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dc.creatorVicente, Cláudia Aparecida da Costa-
dc.identifier.citationVICENTE, Cláudia Aparecida da Costa. Modos de ser mulher: a educação e a representação femininas nas páginas do jornal Lavoura e Commercio (Uberaba, 1899-1930). 235 f. Tese (Doutorado em Educação) - Universidade Federal de Uberlândia, Uberlândia, 2022. DOI: http://doi.org/10.14393/ufu.te.2022.5342pt_BR
dc.description.abstractThe objective of this paper is to analyze issues related to the processes of women’s education and representation that were published in the newspaper Lavoura e Comércio, between 1899 and 1930, in the city of Uberaba/MG. In the early decades of the 20th century, Uberaba was the main city in the Triângulo Mineiro. At that time, the city found the economic, social, and cultural developments, driven by the Mojiana Railroad. Over time, the city loses lost its prominence, and its economy turns to agrarian activities, with the importation of zebu cattle from India. The early decades of the 20th century correspond to the period of the First Republic in Brazil, established on November 15, 1889. With the Republic, ideas of progress, modernity, civility, and education were defined as republican ideals, which found echoes in the press. We understand that the press is an important reference for the knowledge of society's customs. Furthermore, we can observe that through it, standards are defined for the various social actors, including women. The women’s history is marked by silencing, whose roles were defined by men, allocating them to the care of the house, husband, and children. Women should be good wives and mothers, because the future of the nation depended on them from the generation and creation of strong men for the Fatherland, speech that found resonance in the newspapers. We believe that education happens through non-formal means. In this way, the various publications, such as articles on childcare and feminism, and advertisements for the latest fashion and beauty products, contribute to the processes of female representation and education.pt_BR
dc.description.abstractThe objective of this paper is to analyze issues related to the processes of women’s education and representation that were published in the newspaper Lavoura e Comércio, between 1899 and 1930, in the city of Uberaba/MG. In the early decades of the 20th century, Uberaba was the main city in the Triângulo Mineiro. At that time, the city found the economic, social, and cultural developments, driven by the Mojiana Railroad. Over time, the city loses lost its prominence, and its economy turns to agrarian activities, with the importation of zebu cattle from India. The early decades of the 20th century correspond to the period of the First Republic in Brazil, established on November 15, 1889. With the Republic, ideas of progress, modernity, civility, and education were defined as republican ideals, which found echoes in the press. We understand that the press is an important reference for the knowledge of society's customs. Furthermore, we can observe that through it, standards are defined for the various social actors, including women. The women’s history is marked by silencing, whose roles were defined by men, allocating them to the care of the house, husband, and children. Women should be good wives and mothers, because the future of the nation depended on them from the generation and creation of strong men for the Fatherland, speech that found resonance in the newspapers. We believe that education happens through non-formal means. In this way, the various publications, such as articles on childcare and feminism, and advertisements for the latest fashion and beauty products, contribute to the processes of female representation and education.pt_BR
dc.publisherUniversidade Federal de Uberlândiapt_BR
dc.rightsAcesso Abertopt_BR
dc.titleModos de ser mulher: a educação e a representação femininas nas páginas do jornal lavoura e commercio (uberaba, 1899-1930)pt_BR
dc.title.alternativeWays of being a woman: female education and representation in the pages of the newspaper Lavoura e Commercio (uberaba, 1899-1930)pt_BR
dc.contributor.advisor1Gonçalves Neto, Wenceslau-
dc.contributor.referee1Gonçalves Neto, Wenceslau-
dc.contributor.referee2Ribeiro, Betânia de Oliveira Laterza-
dc.contributor.referee3Campos, Raquel Discini de-
dc.contributor.referee4Ferreira, Nilce Vieira Campos-
dc.contributor.referee5Curi, Luciano Marcos-
dc.description.degreenameTese (Doutorado)pt_BR
dc.description.resumoO objetivo desse trabalho é analisar questões relativas aos processos de educação e representação das mulheres a partir das publicações que eram veiculadas no jornal Lavoura e Comércio, entre os anos de 1899 e 1930, na cidade de Uberaba/MG. Nas décadas iniciais do século XX, Uberaba foi a principal cidade do Triângulo Mineiro. Nessa época, conheceu os desenvolvimentos econômico, social e cultural, impulsionados pela Estrada de Ferro Mojiana. Com o passar do tempo, a cidade perdeu seu destaque e, voltou sua economia para as atividades agrárias, com a importação da Índia, do gado zebu. As décadas iniciais do século XX correspondem ao período da Primeira República no Brasil, instaurada em 15 de novembro de 1889. Com a República, ideias de progresso, modernidade, civilidade e educação foram definidos como os ideais republicanos, que encontravam ecos na imprensa. Entendemos que a imprensa é um importante referencial para o conhecimento dos costumes da sociedade. Além do mais, podemos observar que por meio dela, padrões eram definidos aos diversos atores sociais, dentre eles, as mulheres. A história das mulheres é marcada pelo silenciamento, cujos papéis foram definidos por homens, destinando-as aos cuidados da casa, do marido e dos filhos. Mulheres deveriam ser boas esposas e mães, pois delas dependia o futuro da nação a partir da geração e criação de homens fortes para a Pátria. Discurso que encontrava ressonância nos jornais. Acreditamos que a educação acontece por meios não formais. Desse modo, os diversos tipos de publicação presentes como as matérias sobre cuidados com os filhos e feminismo e, anúncios dos últimos lançamentos da moda e de produtos de beleza contribuem para os processos de representação e educação femininas.pt_BR
dc.publisher.programPrograma de Pós-graduação em Educaçãopt_BR
dc.subject.autorizadoEducação - Históriapt_BR
dc.subject.autorizadoMulheres na educaçãopt_BR
Aparece en las colecciones:TESE - Educação

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